Youth Soccer Fields are Vandalized Again in Maurice
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Youth Soccer Fields are Vandalized Again in Maurice

May 26, 2023

The Abbeville Sheriff's Department is looking for those responsible for vandalizing The North Vermilion Youth Athletic Association (NVYAA)'s soccer fields, this weekend.

According to some NVYAA volunteers, this is not the first time the park was vandalized, but police are still searching for evidence to hold the culprit(s) accountable.

Caden Campbell said he recently started volunteering for NVYAA and doesn't want people to be discouraged from enjoying everything the park has to offer.

"You shouldn't avoid it," Campbell said. "Even though they do's a fun time for the kids that come play sports."

Campbell said while some people enjoy doing donuts with their vehicles, he recommends they do it elsewhere.

"Some people like to do that, but I don't understand why they would do it at a park," Campbell said. "Maybe go do that at one of the fields or something, just not on a soccer field or in a public place where everybody likes to come."

Now, the soccer fields have deep ruts and tire marks from ATVs, leaving members of the NVYAA left with damaged property.

Stephen Hebert said he has been helping to maintain the grounds near North Vermilion High School for the past three years.

Hebert said vandalism only creates more work for him and his colleagues.

"It's more of an aggravation than anything at this time," Hebert said. "It is a little extra work, trying to keep some grass n the fields because they wear them out. We try to rotate fields so we can keep the grass up, so yea. It is a little extra work."

Hebert said he and members of his team will be laying down more soil and seed to help fix the damaged soccer fields next week.